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I started my fitness journey as a professional Ballet dancer at the age of 6. It was Ballet's discipline and attention to detail along with moving to music that really excited me. I have been a performer my whole life and started teaching dance in high school to young performers.

It wasn't until I was out of college that I realized I wanted to help people find their own love for fitness. My mother and many other women in my life suffer from feeling judged, discouraged and unaccepted in the fitness world and I knew I want to help people at all levels of fitness find something they can do that they feel good about. 

I work hard to make sure my workouts can be for all levels and I try to encourage my students to work smart and not hard.

Our bodies deserve respect and we have to work from a place that feels good and develop great form that way we can get more advanced through building a great foundation. That is my philosophy in every form of fitness I teach.

I believe in positive reinforcement, being honest with yourself, being kind to yourself, knowing your limitations and being patient with them because if you keep showing up and doing the work you will surpass them.

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